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Posted: Thu, 27 Jun 2024 07:09:29 +0000

Grandma’s $1 Water Pie, also known as Depression Era Pie, is a simple recipe that has often been passed down generation after generation with absolutely no need to alter. Despite the fiscally and emotionally challenging times during the Great Depression, the lady of the house still found ways to give a little sweetness and joy […]

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Posted: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 07:26:55 +0000

I have written in the past about the Dr. Ellis’ study on Resilient Citizens and the kinds of data that FEMA is collecting on people in the United States. I have done a lot of research over the years on the capabilities of FEMA and what they really can do in an emergency. My sources […]

The post FEMA Is Here: The Only Rights You Still Have appeared first on Ask a Prepper.

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Posted: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 08:57:53 +0000

Once you have a bug-out location set up and are stocked with the supplies you need to endure the hardships of the coming disasters or emergencies, you need a reliable way to get there. When it comes to getting from your family home to the bug-out location, a vehicle will always be the fastest mode […]

The post How to Turn Your Car Into the Ultimate Bug Out Vehicle appeared first on Ask a Prepper.

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Posted: Fri, 21 Jun 2024 07:19:36 +0000

If you have expired cooking oil, don’t throw it away! One of the key aspects of living a self-sufficient lifestyle is to become resourceful by finding multiple uses for the many items in your home. One of the most multipurpose items that you probably have in your home (and specifically in your kitchen) is cooking […]

The post Stop Throwing Away Used Cooking Oil! Do This Instead appeared first on Ask a Prepper.

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Posted: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 07:15:41 +0000

Of all the challenges preppers might have to face, civil unrest is probably the most unpredictable. It might sound strange right. A nuclear blast, or an EMP, you can fall back on tech, safety measures and your storehouse of supplies. When you watch and read interviews from people who’ve been through a civil war, major […]

The post If You See These Signs, Civil Unrest Will Follow appeared first on Ask a Prepper.

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Posted: Tue, 18 Jun 2024 07:59:30 +0000

When it comes to root cellars, whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newbie, there could be some root cellar secrets that you don’t know. Learn all about common root cellar mistakes, ingenious hacks, and what you can and can’t stockpile there. Benefits of a Root Cellar Of all the different homestead structures to include […]

The post What No One Told You About Your Root Cellar appeared first on Ask a Prepper.

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Posted: Mon, 17 Jun 2024 07:21:28 +0000

We have become an awkward bunch. Not just preppers but people in general. In our struggle to build relationships with our neighbors we tend to present a fake identity in order not to scare people off or trip alarms in their head! Thanks to cellphones, social media, and lockdown we have barreled headlong into a […]

The post You Should Never Ask Your Neighbor This appeared first on Ask a Prepper.

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