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Privacy International
Privacy International: a UK based website designed to help protect peoples privacy from invasive technology, unethical surveillance, data exploitation, and human rights violations, podcasts and news about privacy and much more.
Wealth Inequality Charts Via Inequality.Org
Charts showing wealth disparities between groups, segments and races of US citizens via Inequality.Org.
Freecycle classified advertisements: people give and get stuff for free, keeping good stuff out of landfills.
DeviantArt: digital art galleries hosting unique and picturesque images created by DeviantArt artists, posts, journals and sometimes stories about the images they create, tutorials, both free and paid and much more.
Meet local groups and individuals who share the same interests.
Linux Mint
Linux Mint: an easy to use free open source desktop, laptop computer operating system.
Thunderbird: free, easy to use email software with a variety of themes and extensions.
Tor Project
Tor Project provides a free web browser designed to defend users from tracking and surveillance, while avoiding censorship as a result of sending websites through thousands of volunteer-run servers known as Tor relays. You'll find message boards, a blog and much more at TorProject.Org.
An online community where users read and write fiction and nonfiction stories, give and take quizzes and surveys, ask questions and much more.
Light Throughout The Night Posted As Blog Posts
Light Throughout The Night posted free as blog posts. LTTN is somewhat futuristic, partly educational, with a taste of sexiness. The book takes readers from Glow's birth, through to her adulthood. Her story is passionate, dramatic, and adventurous.
Inner City Bus Ride
A fictional story written by George Farina, pertaining to the thoughts and experiences of passengers riding a city bus.
Special Olympics
Special Olympics: athletes get to compete regardless of ability or disability.
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Big Brothers, Big Sisters helps improve the quality and enjoyment of life for of thousands of children.
Yes Magazine
Yes Magazine: stories about the environment, economy, social justice intersections, alternative ways to produce a more equitable, earth-friendly world and much more.
Smokey Bear
Smokey Bear: dedicated to wildfire prevention.
Pixabay: search free high quality photos, royalty free stock images, computer and website wallpaper, music, videos and much more available to download and use anywhere.
Wikimedia Commons
Wikimedia Commons: a searchable database of free media files, including images and videos anyone could use and contribute to, including public domain images, free to use images with other forms of licensing, photo challenges and much more.
Costa Rica Plans To Ban Fossil Fuels
Costa Rica plan's to fight climate change with the use of renewable energy.
ThisTV is a free television station with a variety of shows, including cult classics and retro TV series.
TV Tropes
TV Tropes: television culture, pulp, entertainment, comic book wiki's, videos, images and much more.

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