
Results: 23
Websites Added: 2022-09-14

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1990s, Computers, Internet, The World Wide Web
A creatively written blog post about all things involving computers, the internet, and the world wide web popular during the 1990's.
2022 Updates
2022 Updates, things I've done during 2022, writing, including numerous blog posts, programing and web designing.
Aboard A Train
A fictional short story written by George Farina, about the events of passengers aboard a train during an innercity train ride.
Always Trying To Look Busy
A fiction story about a woman who lives on the streets of the inner city, her daily routine, her thoughts and the harsh realities of street life.
Baseball 2022 V2
A creatively written blog post about different situations, happenings and sayings within the game of Baseball.
Excerpts From Far From Perfect Chapter 9 College
Excerpts from Far From Perfect, Chapter 9, titled: College. The chapter takes place during the early 1990s, in Connecticut, at Middlesex and Manchester Community Colleges, where a Business Management 101 course and a Writing 101 course, and their teachers are described.
Excerpts From Far From Perfect, Chapter 11 Starting Over
Excerpts from Far From Perfect, written by George Farina, Chapter 11, titled: Starting Over. The chapter takes place just after I moved to Miami, Fl, towards the beginning of 1999, and talks about different events I experienced soon thereafter.
Excerpts From Far From Perfect, Chapter 14 Overlook
Excerpts from Far From Perfect, Chapter 14, titled: Overlook. The chapter takes place while I was living at the Overlook apartment complex in Miami, Fl, somewhere between 2004 and 2007, and talks about different events I attended, thoughts, and experiences I lived through.
Excerpts From Far From Perfect, Chapter 15 The Bear
Excerpts from Far From Perfect, Chapter 15, titled: The Bear. I was living at the Kendor Apartments on West Flagler Street in Miami, Fl, towards the end of 2007, most of 2008. The excerpts talk about different events I attended, thoughts, and experiences I lived through.
Good Things, Enjoyable Things 2022 V2
A creatively written blog post about good things, enjoyable things.
Hitching A Ride Aboard A Freight Train
A fiction story detailing an exuberant youngish couple's adventure as they hitch a ride aboard freight train.
Inner City Bus Ride
A fictional story written by George Farina, pertaining to the thoughts and experiences of passengers riding a city bus.
Old Abandon Brick Building
A fiction story, written by George Farina, detailing thoughts of an old abandon brick building.
She's Been Walking All Night
A short fiction story, written by George Farina, about the harsh realities a homeless lady deals with as a result of living on the street.
Song Lyrics: I Dont Remember Her Name
Song lyrics titled: I Don't Remember Her Name, written by George Farina.
Song Lyrics: She Dances Alone
Song lyrics titled: She Dances Alone, written by George Farina.
The Alley Or The Busy City Street?
A fiction story, written by George Farina, about a bike rider who's trying to decided if he should ride through the city streets or the alley.
The Fair: A Whimsical Atmosphere
A creatively written blog post about the whimsical atmosphere of Fairs.
The Power Of Words
A creatively written blog post detailing the power of words.
Where The Water Gels With The Sand
A fictional short story written by George Farina about a lone lady without a place to sleep. She walks along the edge of the Ocean where the water gels with the sand.

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