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Web Guide: Web Development, Web Design, Programing Websites

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Search Only Web Development Websites
Softaculous: find a variety of software packages designed for web hosting, servers, and web development.
Softpedia, a library of free and free to try software applications for Windows, Mac, Linux and Smartphones, including Games and Drivers. Tech news and reviews are also offered via Softpieda.
SQL Tutorial
SQL Tutorial: learn the options and intrigues provided by SQL (Structured Query Language), a query programing language used to input, view, update and retrieve data from databases."
SSL Labs
SSL Labs: website development tools, documents and thoughts designed to make SSL better, including a SSL/TLS and PKI website validation checker and much more.
Tech Guy
Tech Guy: forums, message boards designed to provide computer based knowledge and help others with computer issues.
The Site Wizard
Free tutorials and stories about website design, website marketing, PHP, JavaScript, eCommerce and much more.
Tor Project
Tor Project provides a free web browser designed to defend users from tracking and surveillance, while avoiding censorship as a result of sending websites through thousands of volunteer-run servers known as Tor relays. You'll find message boards, a blog and much more at TorProject.Org.
Torque Magazine
Torque Magazine: helping WordPress users create and expand WordPress websites.
Tutorials Point
Online Tutorials involving the latest technologies, including C, C++, Java, Python, PHP, Machine Learning, Data Science and much more.
Tuts Make
Tuts Make: website and web application development tutorials.
Validator.nu HTML Validator
Validator.nu helps web developers validate HTML scripting, potentially preventing website issues.
WampServer: free open source Windows based web server software with Apache2, PHP, MySQL, MariaDB, phpMyAdmin, Adminer, along other types of software designed to allow web developers and website owners to develop and view websites through Wampserver.
Webbkoll helps prevent online behavioral monitoring, profiling, political nudging and discrimination through data protection. "Webbkoll is a tool to find out who is collecting information about individuals, and what can be done to stop invisible tracking." Webbkoll.Dataskydd.Net
Webby Awards
Webby Awards: internet website awards, podcast awards, social media awards and much more.
Webmaster World
Webmaster World: website development message boards, news and discussions.
What Is My IP Address
What Is My IP Address: view IPv4 and IPv6 public IP addresses, their location and much more.
Whats My DNS Domain Age
Whats My DNS: check the age of domain names to find out when they were first registered.
WHATWG: Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group
WHATWG: HTML standards, an HTML validator and much more.
WordPress Blogging Platform
Free versatile blogging software designed for bloggers.
Web hosting specific to the open source WordPress blogging software, including numerous hosting plans, stylish themes, plugins, website design services, webinars, developer resources, a logo maker, message boards and much more.

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