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Free Digital Art PDF e-Books Via 3DtotalShop's Webstore Vimeo Webpage
If you're interested in learning digital art, 3DtotalShop provides numerous free and for sale How To Digital Art PDF e-Books, usually many hundred pages in length, both for beginners and experienced digital artists who want to learn and/or improve their digital art skills. Teachings include everything from Paint Shop to Blender and sometimes are accompanied with downloadable images, templates and characters.
International Cycling Film Festival Vimeo Webpage
International Cycling Film Festival is a film festival specific to bicycling, usually held in Germany, Poland, Kosovo and the Netherlands. Their website is in German, however, Wikipedia lists it's mission as designed to "strengthen international cooperation in the areas of art film and bicycle culture." and says "The festival promotes interaction between movie makers and cyclists from all over the world." Wikipedia also describes some of their most regarded films and International Cycling Film Festival's Vimeo webpage provides film trailers.
Marin Bikes Vimeo Webpage
Marin Bikes bicycle designs include Trail Bikes, Mountain Bikes, Urban Bikes, Electric Assist Bikes and much more.

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