Search The Web Guide

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Web Guide: Search Engines, Directories, Website Listings, Scripting Searches

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Search Only Search Engine Websites
Wiby: a unique search engine with a preference for individual, non-commercial 1990's style websites.
Mojeek (UK)
Mojeek: a search engine based in the UK with their own database and unique search results.
YaCy: A P2P Decentralized Search Engine
YaCy is a free open-source peer-2-peer decentralized search engine with many options and it's own web crawler.
Entire Web
Entireweb: a search engine with it's own database and unique search results.
Search My Site
Search My Site: an open source search engine specific to user-submitted, non-commercial personal and independent websites.
Board Reader
Board Reader: search message board messages.
Wikimedia Commons
Wikimedia Commons: a searchable database of free media files, including images and videos anyone could use and contribute to, including public domain images, free to use images with other forms of licensing, photo challenges and much more.
Giphy: a large searchable database of downloadable animated gif images, including many with a similar style to the animated gifs of the vintage web from the mid 1990's.
Search social media website hashtags, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and much more at HashAtIt.Com.
Nerdy Data Code Search Engine
Nerdy Data searches source code used to display websites, including JavaScript and HTML.
Curlie: a free human-edited website directory originating from Open Directory Project (ODP) and DMOZ, edited by volunteer editors.
Search All Of Craigslist
Search all the Craigslist classified webpages within the craigslist.org website.
Pixabay: search free high quality photos, royalty free stock images, computer and website wallpaper, music, videos and much more available to download and use anywhere.
Best of the Web Directory
BOTW: Best of the Web Internet Web Directory lists websites via category.
24 7 Web Directory
24 7 Web Directory: a human edited web directory showing websites listed within various categories.
Discover WordPress
Discover WordPress: a unique directory displaying the best WordPress webpages via Wordpress.Com.
Wolfram Alpha
A knowledge based search engine with unique search technology and query results, including math, science, nutrition, history, geography, engineering, mathematics, linguistics, sports, finance, music and much more.
Metacrawler Meta Search Engine
The Metacrawler Meta Search Engine searches multiple website databases, resulting in a unique variety of search results.
Answers.com: search for answers to questions.
Directory Of Record Stores Via Record Store Day
Record Store Directory: an extensive searchable directory of independent brick and mortar record stores, each with store location and website if applicable.

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