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Web Guide: Free e-Books And Free eBook Websites

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Digital Photography: Taking Digital Photos Free eBook
Digital Photography: Taking Digital Photos: describes photo taking techniques and explains things such as how aperture, shutter speed, ISO and lighting affect image quality, macro photography, and depth of field among many additional photo taking techniques.
Eloquent JavaScript Free eBook
Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction To Programming, By Marijn Haverbeke is a free PDF E-Book about JavaScript. Included within it's over 400 pages, you'll find detailed descriptions about things such as loops, variables, functions, and regular expressions, in chapter exercises, including the design of a basic video game, numerous JavaScripts and much more.
PHP Programming: A Comprehensive Guide To Programming In PHP Free eBook
PHP Programming: A Comprehensive Guide To Programming In PHP is a thoroughly written free eBook with numerous chapters, giving both PHP beginners and those who are experienced many pages of PHP knowledge, including basics, such as how to set up a PHP programming environment on a personal computer and more advanced topics such as variables, functions, arrays, how to connect to and display results from a database, along with many additional details about PHP programming.
Planet Ebook
Planet Ebook: public domain eBooks available to download for free without having to create an account, including "The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn", "Great Expectations", "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", "1984", "A Tale Of Two Cities" and many others.
Spanish eBook
A digital, thorough, free e-Book designed to teach readers how to speak and understand Spanish. Within it's pages you'll find audio files, word pronunciation and much more.
Writing Effective Songs Free eBook
Writing Effective Songs is a well written eBook, giving readers an in depth look into the iniquities of song writing. It describes things such as song structure and song elements and provides excellent songwriting tips, motivation and much more.

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