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Web Guide: Dusty Loft blog posts, including fictional stories, song lyrics, creatively written blog posts, television episode reviews and much more.

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Good Things, Enjoyable Things 2022 V2
A creatively written blog post about good things, enjoyable things.
The Fair: A Whimsical Atmosphere
A creatively written blog post about the whimsical atmosphere of Fairs.
1990s, Computers, Internet, The World Wide Web
A creatively written blog post about all things involving computers, the internet, and the world wide web popular during the 1990's.
Baseball 2022 V2
A creatively written blog post about different situations, happenings and sayings within the game of Baseball.
Song Lyrics: She Dances Alone
Song lyrics titled: She Dances Alone, written by George Farina.
Song Lyrics: I Dont Remember Her Name
Song lyrics titled: I Don't Remember Her Name, written by George Farina.

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