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Web Guide: Web Development, Web Design, Programing Websites

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Search Only Web Development Websites
All Web Dev Help
All Web Dev Help: website design, creation, management and programing tutorials, including PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS and much more.
BuddyPress: a WordPress based social network plugin with user profiles, groups, activity streams, notifications, message boards via integration with bbPress and much more.
C Plus Plus
C Plus Plus: C++ Tutorials, resources, stories, message boards and much more.
Christina Truong, Educator, Web Developer
Christina Truong: an educator, web developer, and creator of original content, in addition to many other cool techie types of things.
CodePen displays the results of front end web development programing languages.
Css Tricks
CSS Tricks: CSS tips, techniques and tricks designed to help web developers design stylish websites, including detailed explanations of elements and attributes, references, guest writers and much more .
Debug Answer
Debug Answer: programing tutorials, source code examples, questions and answers about programing, web development resources and much more.
Drupal: a free open source website development platform with a variety of modules, templates and much more.
Geeks For Geeks
Geeks For Geeks: a computer science portal for geeks with well written, well thought and well explained computer science and programming stories, quizzes, tutorials and much more.
Getty Images
Getty Images: royalty free stock photos, vector art, videos, purchase options and much more.
HeyTuts: web development tutorials, including WordPress, htaccess, PHP, Windows, Linux, downloads, videos and much more.
HTML For Beginners. The Easy Way to Learn HTML and CSS.
HTML Attribute Reference Via MDN Mozilla Developer Network
Each HTML Tag, Element, has attributes. MDN provides a detailed list of HTML attributes with descriptions.
HTML Dog: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript tutorials and scripts used to make websites.
HTML Element Reference Via MDN Mozilla Developer Network
HTML websites have elements, also known as HTML Tags. MDN provides a detailed list of HTML elements with descriptions.
HTML Goodies
HTML Goodies: find a variety of knowledge based articles and tutorials regarding web development, including HTML, programming, coding, JavaScript, PHP and many other web development and programming languages.
HumHub, free open source social networking software and framework built to make teamwork easier.
Jaf Soft Web Development Resources
A list of web development resources (past and present), including, search engine robots, web browsers, link checkers, FTP clients, software packages, offline browsers and much more.
JS Fiddle
Verify JavaScript, CSS, HTML or CoffeeScript scripts online with JSFiddle code editor.
Let's Encrypt
Let's Encrypt provides domain name owners free digital certificates used to enable website HTTPS(SSL/TLS) security.

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