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Web Guide: Writing Websites

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99 Designs
Find book cover designers along with thousands of book covers available for purchase at 99 Designs.
Create, print, and sell quality books, photo books, magazines, and eBooks with Blurb.
Book Reporter
Book Reporter: dedicated to those who enjoy all things having to do with books. Find Author interviews, book reviews and message boards.
The official U.S. ISBN Agency. Bower assigns legitimate ISBNs to book publishers.
Coverbind: Document Binding Machines, Thermal Binders and Presentation Covers.
Draft2Digital helps self-publishing authors format eBooks and distribute them to digital stores.
Encourage Publishing
Encourage Publishing is a hybrid publisher specializing in the publication of books, audio books, music, and multimedia designed to encourage and inspire.
Find book recommendations, book reviews, author pages and more at Goodreads.
Find a free grammar spell checker, grammar tutorials and much more at Grammar.com.
Grammar Girl
Grammar Girl Quick and Dirty Tips: tips to improve writing, including word choice, punctuation, and writing style. Blog posts about health, fitness, relationships, finance, careers, computers, interior design, pets and many other topics.
iUniverse self-publishing gives authors the opportunity to self-publish their books.
Kitaboo is a cloud based digital publishing platform designed to create, publish, distribute interactive multimedia and mobile friendly digital content.
MyBinding sells a variety of book binding equipment and materials.
NOOK Press
NOOK Press: a self-publishing service created by Barnes and Noble designed for independent authors.
Nostalgic Impressions
We have a passion for wax sealing stamps and the art of writing. Find feather quill pens, ink sets, writing inks, letter openers, journals, parchment papers and ink blotters and more at Nostalgic Impressions.
November Novel Month
November Novel Month challenges writers to write 50,000 words of a Novel during the month of November. They provide author resources, numerous literary challenges throughout the year, social events and much more.
Peleman Binding Systems
Peleman Binding Systems builds their expertise in the development of binding systems as well as innovative printing, presentation and photo solutions.
Pen and the Pad
The Pen and the Pad is a resource for writers, poets, and novelist looking to improve their writing skills.
A large searchable database of poems and poets biographies.
US Copyright Office
For over 150 years, the Copyright Office has been at the forefront of U.S. copyright.

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