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Web Guide: Websites A-Z

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Scrap Monster
Scrap Monster: a scrap trading website with scrap prices, scrap news, recycling news and much more.
Scrap Monster Write For Scrap Monster
Submit stories with a focus on the recycling, scrap, and metals industry, including metal exchanges, recycling tips, scrap activities, pricing trends, metals, plastics, paper, e-waste, and energy.
Scribd: documents, eBooks, audio books, magazines, podcasts, sheet music, and much more.
Seahorse Wikipedia Webpage
Learn about the uniqueness and intrigues of Seahorse's via Wikipedia's Seahorse webpage.
Search All Of Craigslist
Search all the Craigslist classified webpages within the craigslist.org website.
Search My Site
Search My Site: an open source search engine specific to user-submitted, non-commercial personal and independent websites.
Search The Web Guide
George Farina's Web Guide Database: search, sort URL's listed in the database.
Searching For The Happiness
Searching For The Happiness: searching for what makes us happiest. A writer, author's blog with posts about writing, blogging, and many other interesting topics.
Sears: tools, outdoor furniture, clothes, computers, electronics and much more at Sears.
Find cosmetics, beautification items, fragrances and more at Sephora.
Serenity, Written By George Farina
Serenity: A non-fiction story about the sense of serenity I experience from bike riding.
Serious Eats
Serious Eats is the destination for delicious food, with definitive recipes.
Seura specializes in the sale of waterproof televisions for outdoor use or in bathrooms and lighted mirrors among other unique items.
Seventh Avenue
Seventh Avenue: find a variety of items, including home decor, outdoors items and much more.
Seventh Generation
Seventh Generation environmentally friendly plant based household cleaning supplies.
Shape Magazine
Shape Magazine, workout routines, fitness training, workout videos, fitness tips, exercise trends, exercise equipment, exercise clothes and more.
Sharper Image
Find the latest home electronics, air purifiers and much more at SharperImage.com.
Shaws is a large supermarket with numerous stores located in the North East. Shaws supermarkets usually have a variety of food items, including produce, baked goods, dairy, frozen foods, and canned goods, a pharmacy, online ordering, recipes and much more.
She's Been Walking All Night
A short fiction story, written by George Farina, about the harsh realities a homeless lady deals with as a result of living on the street.
Shipping Container Homes For Sale Via eBay
A variety of new and used shipping container homes for sale via eBay.

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