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Find tens of thousands of quotations at Quotes.net.
QVC Shopping Network
QVC Shopping Network: find a variety of items including clothes, computers, televisions and much more via the QVC television station and via QVC.com.
Rachael Ray
The official website of Rachael Ray. Find daily inspiration, delicious recipes and much more.
Ragu: a variety of pasta and pizza sauces, recipes and much more.
Rainforest Rescue
Rainforest Rescue: rainforest conservation, prevention of rainforest destruction, stories regarding rainforests and much more.
Rainforest Wet Tropics Management Authority (International)
The Wet Tropics World Heritage Area Rainforest: a cultural landscape unlike anywhere else on earth.
Raleigh Bikes
Raleigh Bikes include Road Bicycles, Mountain Bikes, Urban Bikes and Commuter Bicycles.
Ray-Ban sunglasses, prescription eye wear, premium lenses and frames.
Recipeler displays a variety of healthy, delicious recipes.
Record Store Day
Record Store Day 2024 is April 20th, 2024, a day when participating independently owned brick and mortar record stores celebrate record store day, with many showcasing special vinyl and CD releases, various promotional items, live musical performances, meet and greets with musicians, live DJ's and much more.
Find outdoor clothing, footwear, gear, tents, bicycles, and more at REI.
Relevant Buildings
Relevant Buildings builds prefabricated residential shipping container homes, offices, housing complexes and other types of structures out of used shipping containers.
Responsibility.Org is designed to eliminate drunk driving and underage drinking, while promoting responsible decision making regarding alcohol beverages. Responsibility.Org provides inspirational stories, alcohol statistics, numerous resources and much more.
Retro Sheet
Retrosheet gathers and computerizes play by play Major League Baseball games played before 1984.
RideCycleSpin: an avid bicyclist documents his riding experiences, the places he's ridden and much more.
Ring of Honor
ROH Ring Of Honor wrestling league: ROH Events, TV episodes, wrestler rosters, news, videos, photos and much more.
Ringling Bros and Barnum Bailey Circus
Ringling Bros. and Barnum Bailey Circus: The Greatest Show On Earth.
Ringside News
Ringside News: wrestling news, indie wrestling news, wrestling match results, rumors and much more.
RiteAid: items designed to help shoppers lead a healthy, happy life and much more.
Road CC
Road CC: cycling news, parts, accessories and bicycle reviews, buyers guides, cycling tips, message boards and much more.

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